IKMK 2023 in figures

As of today and with the year 2023 coming to an end, the online catalogue of the Coin Cabinet in Vienna has reached over 25,100 object entries.
The majority of the new entries comprise coins from antiquity to modern times, including around 1,700 coins found in Austria alone, which were processed as part of the project “Die Fundmünzen der Sammlung Nowak”, as well as over 150 medals, minting tools and paper money.
The 25,106th piece is a small copper coin of Marcianus (450-457) with the inv. no. RÖ 30149, which was minted in Constantinopolis.
This year, the majority of the objects from the Coin Cabinet's two-hall permanent exhibition have been made accessible online. This provides an overview of the history and development of the medal from its beginnings around 1400 in Italy to the 20th century. In addition, the history of coins and paper money, from pre-monetary forms of money and money in kind to the invention of the coin in the 7th century BC, medieval coinage and the present day, can be researched independently.
IKMK.net has grown from around 116,000 entries to 129,000 in 2023.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have sponsored an object from the holdings of the Coin Cabinet in Vienna to date!
Thanks to the support of our sponsors, digital photography and scientific documentation of the objects are guaranteed. Photos are in colour and of high quality to ensure that users of the IKMK can view them optimally on screen. The images are covered by a Creative Commons 3.0 Austria licence and are therefore available to the widest possible public. The scientific recording is carried out by the Coin Cabinet team. Where possible, student employees are also involved in this work. A coin sponsorship thus also serves to promote young numismatic talent!
In 2024, further sub-collections are to be made accessible online as part of the Coin Cabinet's digitisation strategy. Coin sponsorships make a significant contribution to this; to date, over 140 coin sponsorships have helped to research our objects and advance their processing. This enables object-related basic research and provides long-term support for the expansion of the interactive catalogue. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all of them!