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New publication: Collection catalogue of the medals of Ferdinand I (r. 1835-1848)


In the series of collection catalogues of the Coin Cabinet Vienna, a new publication is dedicated to the medals of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I (1793-1875).

The publication, based on the dissertation project of the author Andrea Mayr, comprises two volumes:

Volume 1 is dedicated to the historical context of the Habsburg ruler, his public image in various media, the status and function of medals and their production at the Mint in Vienna.

Volume 2 contains the comprehensive catalogue of 251 pieces from the collection in chronological order. Based on extensive archival and source research, the medals are placed in a broad context of mintage, number of pieces, patrons and addressees.

All medals are also recorded in the IKMK and thus offer a detailed insight into the Viennese collection.

Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, supported by the KHM-Museumsverband.