Lecture: „Common Currencies? – The coinage of the Achaean League“ - David Weidgenannt, MA (University of Vienna), October 5, 2023, 6 p.m.

The series of lectures of the Austrian Numismatic Society in cooperation with the Coin Cabinet at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna continues its program in fall 2023.
The first lecture is dedicated to an ancient topic by David Weidgenannt, MA from the University of Vienna and board member of the ÖNG.
Among the ancient federal states, the Achaean League, which can first be traced to the early 4th century BC, occupies a special role. It owes this position not least to its extraordinary political importance as a middle power at the time of Roman expansion. Numerous competences were concentrated in it, which originally lay in the area of individual poleis, and so it is perhaps not surprising that it also emerged with its own coinage. These coinages are the focus of the lecture, which will not only give an overview of the coins of the confederation, but will also address their function and distribution.
Date: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 6 p.m.
Place: Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, Lecture room (2nd floor), Maria-Theresien-Platz, A-1010 Vienna
The lecture can be attended free of charge with an invitation sent separately to the members of the Society. The lecture will be held in german.
Image: CH 8.454, Patras Archaeological Museum