Exhibition: ‘Imperial Impressions - The Emperors and their Court Artists’ End of the first part in the Kunstkammer

The current special exhibition is divided into two sections: One part of the exhibition took place in the special exhibition rooms of the Kunstkammer. This section was dismantled on 13 October 2024. What remains is the section on display in Room III of the Coin Cabinet, which can be seen until October 2025.
The exhibition presents artists who worked in the courtly environment of the Habsburg (Lorraine) rulers and created masterpieces in the form of medals and sculptures in the period from 1500 to the end of the monarchy.
The declared aim of the exhibition and the accompanying publication is to emphasise the medal as an object of art. Medals are often treated solely on the basis of their historical significance, which means that it is rare to see examples that are qualitatively on a par with works from other artistic media. Imperial Impressions proves that the medal need not shy away from comparison with other art genres.
The exhibition was divided into two venues. In the Coin Cabinet, individual court artists are presented and medals characteristic of their work are shown. In the Kunstkammer, major works of medallic art were juxtaposed with works of art of high renown by the same artist.
With the dismantling of the exhibition section in the Kunstkammer, this arrangement has been lost, but the inclusion of the artefacts in the accompanying publication makes it possible to retrace it.
The exhibition in Room III of the Coin Cabinet is on display until 26 October 2025!
Image: Vienna, KHM-Museumsverband 2024